Saturday, December 13, 2008

fixied deposit

Deposits which are repayable after less than 6 months are called Short Deposits; interest thereon is calculated on the basis of 365 days in a year for the actual number of days the Short Deposit remains with the Bank. Deposits which are repayable after six months or more are called Fixed Deposits; interest thereon is calculated on the basis of 365 days in a year or actual months KYC ( Know Your Customer) for opening account is applicable for these accounts hence proof of residence and proof of identification will be required alongwith recent photograph of the depositor/s Need to open Savings Bank AccountsIt is desirable that the Term Deposit account holders also maintain Savings Bank accounts with the Bank so as to avoid delay in disbursement of interest on term deposits or inconvenience to the depositor to call on the Branch to collect interest. For the benefit and convenience, may we suggest that you open a Savings Bank Account with us and give us instructions to credit thereto, half yearly interest on this Term Deposit Receipt. Your interest will earn interest.'' Minimum amount Rs.1 lac for SDR and Rs.10,000/- for FDR in Metro and Urban Branches and Rs.5000/- in Rural and Semi urban branches in FDR/SDR .Minimum amount per single deposit for period of 7days to 14 days will be Rs.1lac. Minimum Amount criteria will not be applicable to Subsidy kept under GOVT Sponsored Schemes, Margin Money, earnest money and court attached/ordered deposits Payment of Interest: (Subject to applicable TDS) Interest will be paid half yearly on 1st October and on 1st April and in case these dates falls on holidays then on the next working day Payment and Renewal of Deposits Before Maturity Depositors may request repayment of their deposits before maturity. Repayment of term deposits before maturity is permissible in terms of the directives of the Reserve Bank of India issued from time to time. In terms of the directives, the provision regarding premature withdrawal of deposits is as follows:

human heart

Did you give your friends valentines and little heart-shaped candies on Valentine's Day? Do you ever cross your heart when making a promise that you really, really mean? Or turn on the radio to hear a guy singing about his broken heart?We see and hear about hearts everywhere. A long time ago, people even thought that their emotions came from their hearts, maybe because the heart beats faster when a person is scared or excited. Now we know that emotions come from the brain, and in this case, the brain tells the heart to speed up.

So what's the heart up to, then? How does it keep busy? What does it look like? Let's find out.Your heart is really a muscle. It's located a little to the left of the middle of your chest, and it's about the size of your fist. There are lots of muscles all over your body — in your arms, in your legs, in your back, even in your behind.But the heart muscle is special because of what it does. The heart sends blood around your body. The blood provides your body with the oxygen and nutrients it needs. It also carries away waste.
Your heart is sort of like a pump, or two pumps in one. The right side of your heart receives blood from the body and pumps it to the lungs. The left side of the heart does the exact opposite: It receives blood from the lungs and pumps it out to the body.
We Got the Beat How does the heart beat? Before each beat, your heart fills with blood. Then its muscle contracts to squirt the blood along. When the heart contracts, it squeezes — try squeezing your hand into a fist. That's sort of like what your heart does so it can squirt out the blood. Your heart does this all day and all night, all the time. The heart is one hard worker!
Heart Parts;The heart is made up of four different blood-filled areas, and each of these areas is called a chamber. There are two chambers on each side of the heart. One chamber is on the top and one chamber is on the bottom. The two chambers on top are called the atria; (say: ay-tree-uh). If you're talking only about one, call it an atrium. The atria are the chambers that fill with the blood returning to the heart from the body and lungs. The heart has a left atrium and a right atrium.

human nail

The nail plate is the actual nail, and it is composed of translucent keratin. Keratin is made up of compressed hard layers of a protein substance that is produced by the cells of the nail matrix. The pink appearance of the nail comes from the blood vessels located in the nail bed. The nail plate acts as a protective shield, shielding the delicate tissues of the underlying Nail Bed.The nail matrix (nail root) is found beneath the skin under the proximal nail fold. The cells within the nail root produce the nail plate and most of the nail bed. The leading edge of the nail matrix is seen as a white, crescent shaped structure called the lunula.The matrix is in fact the root of the nail. This area is not visible, it is hidden and protected by the Proximinal Nail Fold. The matrix produces keratin cells that make up the nail plate. As more and more cells are produced the older ones are pushed outwards and flattened, all this pushing and flattening results in the cells loosing their original white plumpish appearance. They eventually become transparent and become part of the nail plate.The nail folds protect the matrix. The Proximinal Nail Fold and the Lateral Nail Folds are part of our skin. The skin does not just end there, it in fact folds at the edges and continues beneath. This continuing skin acts as a protective barrier, it in fact protects and seals the matrix against bacteria and dirt that is common within our environment.The cuticle (eponychium) is situated between the skin of the toe and the nail plate, fusing these structures together and providing a waterproof barrier. The cuticle helps to prevent micro-organisms and moisture from harming the nail matrix. The Eponychium is in fact not the true cuticle. The eponychium attaches closely to the nail plate and moves with it as the nail plate grows. This extra growth of eponychium is generally freed and pushed back during a manicure. The eponychium’s function is to act as a barrier seal to stop bacteria, infection from getting to the matrix.We are constantly shedding dead skin cells throughout our daily life, the nail folds are no exception. The skin on the underside of the nail folds sheds constantly as the nail plate grows and rubs (sloughs) against it. These dead skin cells attach to the nail plate and become visible as the nail grows. This attached skin is referred to as the Ptygerium, dead skin cell or the true cuticle. This needs to be removed regularly in order to prevent a build up.

credit card

The importance of credit management;In order to buy a home, get a loan, deal with emergencies, make online & mail-order purchases, or do almost any kind of traveling, you must have access to credit. But merely having it isn’t enough. To begin with, a lower credit rating costs you money with higher interest rates. And over the course of your life, managing credit wisely can be one of the most important factors in achieving your future goals.
Fortunately, there are easy ways to stay in control of your credit. Probably the best way is with financial software (which you will need to buy) or Online Banking (which Bank of America offers free to its customers with a credit card or loan account). For example, with Online Banking, you can also schedule automatic payments to ensure you are never late.
By staying up-to-date with your credit and using it wisely, you will make accomplishing your financial and personal goals much easier. Free from the burden of too much debt, you will be able to pursue short-term plans while also saving for the future.

Your ability to manage credit wisely will help you:
· Build wealth instead of paying off debt
· Get lower interest rates and better loan terms
· Enjoy the freedom to do the things you want to do
· Plan a successful financial future
Your credit score is the product of a complicated formula, made up of several different elements that provides a measure of your creditworthiness. The higher your credit score, the less risk you present to a lender and, therefore, the more likely they are to let you borrow larger amounts, at better interest rates. The most commonly used credit scores are those provided by Fair Isaac Corporation, called FICO® scores. A FICO score can range from 300 to 850. Fair Isaac provides FICO scores to all 3 of the major credit reporting agencies: Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion. Each agency then adjusts the score based on the specific information it has for you. That means you actually have 3 different FICO scores, although they usually don’t vary too greatly.

How to check your credit status
Knowing your credit history is the first critical step in managing credit wisely. Your credit report documents your financial behavior over the past several years — how much credit you have, how long you've (you have) had it, and whether or not you pay your bills on time. You need to know what is on your credit report so you can identify any problems and take any actions that might be necessary. Errors can appear in your credit report for many different reasons and, if they do, you need to get them fixed immediately. With identity theft still an unfortunate reality, it’s especially important to catch errors as soon as possible.

How to check your credit status
Knowing your credit history is the first critical step in managing credit wisely. Your credit report documents your financial behavior over the past several years — how much credit you have, how long you've (you have) had it, and whether or not you pay your bills on time. You need to know what is on your credit report so you can identify any problems and take any actions that might be necessary. Errors can appear in your credit report for many different reasons and, if they do, you need to get them fixed immediately. With identity theft still an unfortunate reality, it’s especially important to catch errors as soon as possible.

Shares Market of India

Understand the Trading Basics Guide to Day Trading Trading in shares conjures of image of big money in quick time. Initial Public Offering (IPOs) means the first sale of stock from private company to the public The Company releases its stock for sale on a public market. And getting a piece of hot IPO is not all that easy. So an investor is well advised to keep an eye on the upcoming IPOs or IPO calendar to be able to grab those high yielding issues.If that were so, then would everyone not be a millionaire? Read on, to learn to invest smart and get good returns.
Investing in mutual funds has become increasingly popular among investors. Several advantages are offered by mutual funds over investing in individual stocks. Mutual fund shareholders have to pay the transactional costs, which is divided among various shareholders who deal in mutual funds. Mutual funds professionals need to apply their work experience, dedicate their time for research investment options for mutual funds. However, mutual funds are risk-free. If the mutual fund invests primarily in stocks, it is usually subject to the same risks as the stock market.
Tata Infrastructure (Equity: Diversified), Kotak Opportunities (Equity: Diversified), UTI Infrastructure (Equity: Diversified), Magnum Contra (Equity: Diversified),HDFC prudence (Hybrid: Equity-oriented), Magnum Balanced (Hybrid: Equity-oriented), Relience Growth (Equity: Diversified) are popular mutual funds in India.

their retirement. Rarely, people invest in equities as that is a risky proposition. Hence the need for to scientifically guide you, step-by-step, invest in Stock Market with assurance. We cover all the financial instruments- IPO, Mutual Fund, Derivatives or Equities- for you. Inflation constantly whittles down your savings. You must account for inflation to maintain and preferably jack up your purchasing power.

Sound Investing is required to cover our retirement period. Hence, there is an urgent need to invest judiciously so that we get a steady income for self and family post retirement.Inflation cuts into the value of the money we save by constantly eroding the purchasing value. Hence, the need to find means to offset the inflation.The best possible way to nullify inflation is to invest in shares, debentures, bonds, Bullion market, or real estate.

camera lens

Lens Formats;The early CCTV lenses were designed for the 1" format tube camera and many of these are still available on the market. The lens screw thread on these cameras is called a C-mount. In recent years' lenses have been developed for the 2/3," 1/2" and now 1/3" format cameras. For this reason great care must be exercised when selecting a lens for a particular camera. Just as there are four sizes of camera so there are four sizes of lenses and they are not compatible in every combination. A lens designed for a larger format camera may be used on a smaller format but not the reverse. In addition the field of view will not be the same on different size cameras.

There is now a further complication in that there is a new range of lenses with what is called the CS-mount. In this case a C-mount lens may be used on a CS-mount camera with an adapter ring but a CS-mount lens can not be used on a C-mount camera. The difference between the two types of mount is the back focal length (not the same as the focal length). This is an optical change to the back focal length and is not a mechanical difference to the lens. The screw thread and shoulder length for each type of mount are identical making it impossible to see the difference except that the overall size of the CS-mount lens is smaller. The main problem is that either type of lens can be screwed onto both types of camera without damage.

The result is that if the wrong type is used it will be impossible to focus the camera.
Diagram L2 shows the sensor sizes to be used when calculating fields of view and angles of view.A chart is provided at the end of this section showing the relationships between different lenses and camera combinations and the associated angle of view. At this time the majority of lenses with a focal length of 25mm and above are still designed for 1" cameras. This means that special care must be taken when using this long focal length lens on modern cameras. For instance a 25mm 1" lens provides the following approximate angles of view on the different formats.

It can be seen therefore that there would be a significant variation in the expected scene content if this fact were overlooked.The focal length of a lens determines the field of view at particular distances. This can either be calculated from the formulae or determined from tables provided by most lens suppliers. Most manufacturers also provide simple to use slide or rotary calculators that compute the lens focal length from the scene size and the object distance. The longer the focal length

all types of Snakes

This family of snakes is composed of 50 species in two families. They are generally regarded as the most primitive snakes, having a pelvic girdle and vestiglial hind limbs. They have a single lung and oviduct and are well adapted to their burrowing life style. They feed exclusively on small invertebrates such as ant and termite larvae. Leptotyphlopids are oviparous.

There are two species of this family in North America.
Boidae is a large family of snakes that includes all five of the world's giant snakes. Boids are an ancient family that are characterized by a mixture of modern and primitive traits. They have flexible jaws found in more advanced families but also retain a pelvic girdle, vestigial hind limbs, and many use both lungs. While there are close to one hundred species of boids worldwide, there are only two species of boas found in North America, both in the sub-family Eryciniae.

The Colubrid snakes are sometimes refered to as "typical snakes". They comprise the largest family by far with over 2000 species worldwide. Most are medium sized snakes, and all lack a pelvic girdle and have no vestigial hind limbs and whose left lung is either absent or greatly reduced. Most species are considered members of two large subfamilies, Colubrinae and Natricinae which are distinguished by the presence (Natricinae) or absence (Colubrinae) of spines on the lumbar vertebrae. Both subfamilies contain over 200 genera. The Colubrinae subfamily includes two of the genera popular with herpetoculturists, Elaphe and Lampropeltis.

The Natricinae subfamily includes water snakes (Nerodia) and garter snakes (Thamnophis) among others. With a family this large, there will always be disagreements about classification, especially regarding the numbers and types of subspecies. This list includes 102 species of Colubrid snakes found in North America. Subspecies are not included in this scheme. Other lists may vary.